Supporting Us
A young lady called Bena sadly passed away last year. Bena had the most amazing connection and understanding with animals. She was also a talented musician and was passionate about combining the two and exploring the impact music has on horses and people.
At The Haven Equine Assisted Therapy Centre we too love to combine creative interventions in our sessions with the horses to support our clients. Music is so powerful; it lifts your mood, calms you down and brings back so many memories.
Horses also listen to the music and adjust their footfalls in time to the rhythm and will become more energised or relaxed depending on the music. Having a sound system installed into our indoor arena will enable us to continue developing Bena's two great passions of combining the powerful impact of horses and music together.
Tiffany was born on January 19th, 1967, in Rutland, where her love for horses flourished from a young age. Despite facing personal struggles, including the adoption of her son Paul due to family challenges, Tiffany's fiery spirit and determination shone through in her work with horses. Tragically, she battled substance abuse issues that led to her passing at 57.
In her memory, Tiff's family have honoured her legacy through an supporting the Haven in it's it work with troubled youth, believing that her vibrant spirit can make a positive impact.​
Through a generous donation in Tiffany's memory, The Haven has been able to purchase a shepherd's hut as a new and much needed therapy space which will be installed in February 2025.


In memory of Sophie, The Haven was gifted the invaluable facilities of
- Goat house
- Horse trailer
- A wooden ark shelter for Rosebud the pony

Unconditional Love
Soph, the most wonderful gift from God,
An angel lent to us, to be part of our lives.
Radiant, filled with the joy of life,
Her positivity pouring out upon us.
Unconditionally giving out her love,
Teaching us how we should love one another.
Only seeing the best in everybody,
Encouraging and making each person feel so special.
Simply giving, never looking to receive,
Leaving little thoughtful gifts with loving messages.
Her friendship so deep and secure as a rock,
Even the toughest times were good with Soph by ones side.
Always so natural and in harmony with nature.
She would appreciate fully the beauty around her,
Embracing her country way of life with Ads,
Together so intimately connected and so deeply in love.
To creatures big and tiny endless care she poured out.
Her cats soaking up her love through their cuddles.
Baby squirrels tenderly nurtured snuggled in a cosy fleece.
Her horse happily complying with her quiet and patient training.
Inside her vibrant energy was a sensitive soul,
With insight and wisdom way beyond her age.
Truly grasping and embracing the cycle of life and death,
Holding a deep faith that there is so much more to come.
We know that you are never far away dear Soph,
If we just stop and take the time to connect with you.
You are there in the gentle breeze rustling the leaves,
There singing your heart out with the bird song.
Leaping playfully between the trees like a squirrel
Gracefully gliding above us in the sky.
Your presence is there with us, holding us.
Your joy and beauty will go on forever.
Sophie you really have touched our hearts in so many ways,
And taught us how to live our lives to the full.
May we too draw out the positives in people,
And have unconditional love for each other.